apex revenant exclusive skins
This red gold and black skin is very rare despite being free because it was offered to Apex players who subscribed to Twitch Prime in. Unlock the exclusive new Sakura Steel Revenant skin now free with your Prime Gaming membership. Artstation Apex Legends Revenant Relic Mansu Kim The Revenant Legend Apex It must be a trick of the light. . His sneaky abilities are designed to shut down the enemy and resist death making him a terrifying prospect to face on the battlefield. Though its unlikely the developers. However the best part of the skin is the beard and hair. Apex Legends 9th season. Below youll find a complete rundown on all Revenant abilities and skins in Apex Legends. Pedro Peres Screengrab via PlayApex Apex Legends Revenant is getting another exclusive skin. These are the 4 new legendary skins for Revenant theyre amazing. Revenant also has a maroon skull cap with a black simulacrum body and white ant